Last week we had visitors again. Actually, it was only one… and it came without permision, so we kicked it away.
This is what happened. One day, when we woke up, we found a half bitten biscuit on the marble of our kitchen. Its box had been opened really badly, but the rest of our apartment was exactly as we left it the night before, so we just forgot about it… until the next morning; then we found another biscuit, this time behind the toilet and sourrounded by thousands of small pieces of toilet paper. We started thinking of ghosts, so we decided to throw all the biscuits away and never buy them again; whatever it was what came over, it liked our biscuits (which were extremely sweet, by the way).
But the story went on one more day. Now our “friend” had chosen the chocolate powder. So, we had enough. We called the owner of our apartment, who thought we had gone mad because it was impossible to have a mouse on such a high floor, but anyway he brought us some poison and a tray covered with glue; we had to put some food on it and wait until the animal was hungry. Using his words, if we had an animal at home, our probabilities of catching it with that were of a thousand per cent.
So, we did so: a bit scared, we put the tray on the floor, with some sugar and chocolate on it, and we went to sleep. After one hour, a metallic noise woke us up. And we saw it: stuck to the trap, there was a twenty centimetres long rat!!

Both Gerard and I are excessively “respectful” to some animals, so we were just staring at it, trying to decide what to do. And we only could find one solution: calling the security guy. He came and killed the rat for us. Then we all felt calmer; we, for having found and eliminated the rat that came over every night, and the guard… for having got a tip which provided him a good life until the end of the month!